solar street lamps to solve the problem of energy conservation and emi – NCTlighting

solar street lamps to solve the problem of energy conservation and emission reduction

Since the 21st century, social economy has been rapid development, the electricity demand is rising, but now are short of energy, electricity supply is always can't keep up with, plus a lot of also induced gas emissions from coal-fired power, also cause the pollution of the environment, we need to use new energy to solve these problems, this would require the use of solar energy street light. All over the world has abundant solar energy resources, the use of solar energy as solar street lamp, used in outdoor lighting, is for the national implementation of energy conservation and emissions reduction provides a good solution, if continue to use ordinary street lamp, not only, no power to provide a year also consumes more than 1000 degrees, more than 400 kilograms of standard coal consumption, the emissions of harmful gases could be aggravated by environmental deterioration.

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